
Due to the nature of the product being a “DIGITAL PRODUCT,” there is no shipping involved, and therefore, returns are not possible.

Refund and cancellation for services

If you cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it, you are eligible for a refund. Once the cancellation is confirmed, we will initiate a refund to the account from which the payment was made.

If your order includes any product or service from a third party (e.g., domain or web hosting) that has already been executed, refunds or cancellations for that portion of the order are not available. However, if any service provided by us has not been executed, only that portion will be refunded in accordance with our policy.

Cancellation Policy

Please note that an order can only be canceled within 24 hours of being placed. Once the order has been processed after this period, cancellation requests will not be accepted.

Shipping & Delivery Policies –

Digital Darzi ships (delivers) its products to almost all parts of the world. 

Order delivery may vary according to the project and work selected. We are committed to delivering our projects on time, but a slight delay can occur due to any unexpected situation. If this happens, we may ask you to extend the project time, and we will fulfill your expectations by then.

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